Women in Midlife/Menopause/Perimenopause

I work with women in midlife who are ready to step fully into themselves, their wisdom, their aliveness.

Midlife, or middlessence, is our second adolescence but with more wisdom. It is a time of identity re-formation, identity shedding and shifting. It is about coming into our wholeness. It is about individuation. As a teenager individuation was a time of separating from our parents and finding our path forward. In midlife individuation is about separating out values, startegies, and ways of being that no longer work. Shedding the conditioning that has been ingrained in us since we were young. This can often be a time of taking risks, exploring the unknown, and possibly diving deeper into the mystery of life and aliveness.

This is a normal time for change. A time to be reflecting on our past and considering our values and choices with our acquired wisdom as we move forward. For women this is also a time where our bodies are beginning to change (again!). We see the beginnings of peri-menopause in our early 40’s, maybe without even knowing that is what is occurring. This continues as we appraoch menopause and then settle into post-menopause. This is a rich and complex time of change in our bodies, our psyche, our relationships and the lives we have constructed.

And yet…especially as women enter menopause…it is often framed by our culuture as something negative, a difficult time to be endured and survived, a time where women start to feel more invisible, disempowered or discarded. This breaks my heart! I don’t think it has to be this way. What if this doesn’t have to be a time of loss and fading away? What if this is a time of emergence. Of being connected to your wisdom and spirtuality.

Becoming a leader in your own unique ways. This doesn’t mean you have to turn your life upside down. It may just mean that how you show up for all you have in your life could be different. Could come from a more resourced and empowered place within you. Could positively impact all those around you.

Midlife - Middlessence- is a time of honoring - not a time for disappearing.

This is a time to step forward. This is a time to speak your truth

This is a time to offer the valuable wisdom you hold from the feminine knowing within

Lets help you gather your gifts so you can live them and share them.

I can help you meet yourself now. Together we will tend and reflect on your life up until now, gather up the essence of you, explore what is ready to be shed and released and completed and what you are ready to turn towards from this vantage point. I want to help you arrive right where you are at this potent time of change. From this arrival you can learn to listen to the truth of your being. Use that to guide your way across this threshold as you move towards your own wisdom and find how you want to share it with others.

This is energizing when we meet ourselves now. Even if how we are is tired. Trust me, when you arrive where you are, exactly how you are, with compassion and curiosity it wakes you up.

If you are interested in guidance, support, empowerment, reflection and deepening please reach out.

What are the gifts in you no one is seeing because no one is shining a light on you!

Therapists, Helpers, Healers

I work therapists, helpers and healers who feel like their light has gone out. As therapists and those in the helping professions we spend so much of our time focused on others. Often we can miss tending to ourselves and end up feeling compartmentalized, shut down, collapsed inside. You spend so many hours of your life focused on others this is a time to focus on you. Together we can wake up the soulful woman inside of you. There is not enough support for the personhood and humanity of therapists - I am here to help with that.

Working together can help you return to your work and your life with deep nourishment, connection to nature, and a fuller expression of yourself and your aliveness. Through collaboration, exploration and deep conversation we will discover who you are beyond the role of therapist. I will walk alongside you and shine a light on your deep knowing, your joy, your connection with Self and your aliveness. It is when we live from here that we are truly a light and guide for those we serve.

Psychedelic Integration

I support people who are navigating the integration of a recent psychedelic therapeutic experience. This means supporting you to gather up the insights, emotions, experiences from your journey and working to weave them into your life. Psychedelic journeys can often bring up profound and life changing material and then we can be left not knowing how to integrate it into our day to day life. Having support to really attend here, to work with your intentions so they can be cultivated and bloom in your ongoing life, supports the long lasting benefits of this work. Please reach out if you would like support with this important process.